Carna4 Dog Air Dried Chicken
Carna4 dog food is made from human-grade whole meats, certified organic sprouted seeds, vegetables and herbs, blended and gently baked into yummy nuggets. It is an all life stages diet, suitable for dogs with food sensitivities, skin conditions, digestion problems or when the you are simply looking for a nutritious food to keep your dog in optimum health.
Sprouted seeds offer your furry friend - clean food with high nutrient, probiotic, enzyme and Omega-3 levels (previously found only in raw diets).
Available in 3lb & 13lb bags.
Ingredients: Fresh Chicken, Chicken Liver, eggs, organic sprouted barley seed, salmon, sweet potato, whole brown rice, organic sprouted flaxseed, organic sprouted lentils, organic sprouted peas, potato starch, apples, carrots, sea salt, kelp.
Guaranteed Analysis: Protein: 29%, Fat 15%, Fiber 4%, Moisture 10%.During your checkout process please enter your address to see if you are eligible for local delivery around our Montclair location.
In many cases a same-day service may be available, but please allow us a 24 hour timeframe to deliver. We will contact you when your order is on its way! Call us at 973-893-5519 for urgent delivery or pickup needs as well as any questions you may have. Thank you!
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